Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Violencias y sistemas penales en América Latina

Saber, hablar, experienciar y decidir acerca de la implementación de la Ley de Glaciares en Argentina

Guillermo Folguera
Cecilia Gárgano
Laboratorio de Investigación en Ciencias Humanas (LICH-UNSAM-CONICET)

Published 2023-11-20


  • Decidir,
  • Experienciar,
  • Hablar,
  • Ley de Glaciares,
  • Saber,
  • San Juan
  • ...More
  • Decide,
  • Experience,
  • Speak,
  • Glaciers Law,
  • Knowledge,
  • San Juan
  • ...More
  • Decidir,
  • Experiência,
  • Falar,
  • Lei Glaciar,
  • Saber,
  • San Juan
  • ...More

How to Cite

Folguera, G., & Gárgano, C. (2023). Saber, hablar, experienciar y decidir acerca de la implementación de la Ley de Glaciares en Argentina. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.29112/ruae.v8i2.1544


A large number of mining projects are underway in Argentina, with numerous social and environmental impacts. In 2010, a law was passed that provided for an inventory and monitoring of the state of glaciers and the periglacial environment. The criteria for establishing this inventory were based on the consideration of certain voices and knowledge, marginalising the positions of different social actors within the scientific community as well as those of local inhabitants. This paper seeks to understand and compare the ways of knowing, speaking, experiencing and deciding about the problems associated with glaciers and periglacial environments in the context of the discussion about the implementation of the Glaciers Law in Argentina. Through the analysis of different sources and discourses, the aim is to understand and deepen the modes of intervention and advocacy, in order to enrich the discussion in relation to decision-making in public policy.


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