Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): The regime of the Time in the Anthropological Science becoming
Avances de Investigación

Uniformity and divergence: Covid 19 pandemic of the 21st century

Virginia Rial
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

Published 2020-07-09


  • Pandemia 2020,
  • Uruguay,
  • Antropología,
  • Salud,
  • Peritaje Antropológico,
  • Hecho Social Total
  • ...More
  • Pandemic 2020,
  • Uruguay,
  • Anthropology,
  • Health,
  • Anthropological expertise,
  • Total Social Fact
  • ...More
  • Pandemia 2020,
  • Uruguai,
  • Antropologia,
  • Saúde,
  • Fato Social Total

How to Cite

Rial, V. (2020). Uniformity and divergence: Covid 19 pandemic of the 21st century. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 5(1), 81–88. https://doi.org/10.29112/ruae.v5i1.608


This text presents a very primay progress, although it is timely because it is associated with the current health emergency. It is a quick investigation that we are developing from the Anthropology and Health Program, Department of Social Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. According to the proposal of the program management and the greement of its members, the registration phase began in the first week of april this year, when the pandemic was just beginning to manifest itself in the country. The measures taken, the attitudes of the authorities, of health professionals, of people in general at that time had the immediacy of surprise, of shared fear. Here the theoretical-methodological proposal is captured, the foundations from which this qualitative research, of an ethnographic type, was developed in its first time. Some general concepts are discussed and the actions that were carried out are outlined, as well as the steps that are missing to reach expected results.


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