Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Trabajo animal, trabajo humano

We (still) need to talk about the baits : non human animals as workers in Pantanal´s tourism

Eveline Baptistella
Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso

Published 2021-12-20


  • estudíos animales,
  • etnografia multiespecifica,
  • trabajo animal,
  • Pantanal,
  • animales
  • Animal Studies,
  • multispecies ethnography,
  • animal work,
  • Pantanal,
  • animals
  • estudos animais,
  • etnografia multiespécies,
  • trabalho animal,
  • Pantanal,
  • animais

How to Cite

Baptistella, E. (2021). We (still) need to talk about the baits : non human animals as workers in Pantanal´s tourism. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.29112/ruae.v6i2.999


This article aims to reflect on the issue of non-human wild animals as workers in wildlife tourism based on multispecies ethnography carried out within the Pantanal Norte-MT. From a context the relations between species review in contemporary society, we discuss the premise of freedom of non-human animals in tourism and their effects on the depiction of a harmonious coexistence between human and non-human animals imaginary, advancing the debate about the practices in which animal work is legitimized and its implications among tourism actors. The data were based on an interdisciplinary theoretical framework that marks animal studies and the results indicates that tourism offers a safety net to non-human animals, wich is conditioned to the expression of submissive behaviors and the vulnerabilities that such work provides are generally relativized.


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