Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Trabajo animal, trabajo humano

O controle do risco na zooterapia: : cooperação, confiança e modelação do ser vivo em uma técnica de trabalho

Ivana dos Santos Teixeira
Maria Pirene dos Santos

Published 2021-12-20

How to Cite

dos Santos Teixeira, I. (2021). O controle do risco na zooterapia: : cooperação, confiança e modelação do ser vivo em uma técnica de trabalho. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.29112/ruae.v6i2.997


Zootherapy is a contemporary manifestation and it can be considered as a therapeutic technique in the Western medical system. Its recognition process as a professional activity has been marked by new rules and requirements and, among these, the control of risks that have been associated with this practice. Considering such actions, this work investigates the ways in which risk perception has mobilized zootherapy professionals, animals, and institutions, as well as addressing the professionalization of this type of intervention. We use an approach based on practice and objectification of the way of doing, with participant observation in different zootherapy associations. The analysis of the data was guided by the premises of the anthropology of the technique that sheds light on the actions involved in different processes of human life in dialogue with the environment. Through technically oriented knowledge, skills, and attitudes, those involved rationalize the dangers of their work routine by cultivating bodily and emotional dispositions that ensure the permanence of the technique in this universe.


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