Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): The regime of the Time in the Anthropological Science becoming
Estudios y Ensayos

Benjamin: translation and etnography other-subject in Latin America

Francisco Gómez Carpinteiro
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades-BUAP

Published 2020-07-09


  • Etnografía,
  • narrativas,
  • Walter Benjamin,
  • Sujeto,
  • identidad
  • Ethnography,
  • Narratives,
  • Walter Benjamin,
  • Subject,
  • identity
  • Sujeito,
  • Identidade,
  • Etnografía,
  • Walter Benjamin

How to Cite

Gómez Carpinteiro, F. J. (2020). Benjamin: translation and etnography other-subject in Latin America. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 5(1), 71–78. https://doi.org/10.29112/ruae.v5i1.607


I sostein the creation of an ethnography opposed to the hegemonic ideas of capital and democracy, understood in themselves as great narratives. I suggest an analytical proposal based on the notions of traslation of Walter Benjamin. This perspective can give us possibilities for specifics and historical descriptions more human, supportive, dialogical, and non-positivist.


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