Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Violencias y sistemas penales en América Latina

Uses and anthropogenic representations of the springs, parks and urban forests of Guadalajara, 1888-1998

Lourdes Sofía Mendoza Bohane
Departamento de Estudios Sociourbanos de la Universidad de Guadalajara
Christian Emmanuel Lemus Rolón
Universidad de Guadalajara

Published 2023-11-20


  • antropoceno, medioambiente, ecosistema, transformación
  • anthropocene, environment, ecosystem, transformation
  • antropocênica, meio Ambiente, ecosistema, transformação
  • antropocênica, meio Ambiente, ecosistema, transformação

How to Cite

Mendoza Bohane, L. S., & Lemus Rolón, C. E. (2023). Uses and anthropogenic representations of the springs, parks and urban forests of Guadalajara, 1888-1998. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.29112/ruae.v8i2.1653


This study addresses the relationship between the society of Guadalajara and the nature of its environment from an anthropocene perspective but also from the meanings and interaction with the environment. In a multidimensional view, the history of the main parks is made from 1888 to the end of the 20th century with the purpose of explaining the environmental and urban transformation as well as the relationship between the city and its environmental culture. Mainly, the land purchase processes of the Agua Azul Park in the center of the city and its socio-urban deformation in ecosystem functions are analyzed.


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  16. Archivo Histórico del Estado de Jalisco, disponible en: https://sgg.jalisco.gob.mx/temas/museos-y-bibiotecas/archivo-hist%C3%B3rico-del-estado-de-jalisco
  17. Archivo Municipal de Guadalajara, disponible en: https://archivomunicipal.guadalajara.gob.mx/