Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024): Educación y Filosofía Hoy: ¿Para qué? ¿Para quién? ¿Con qué saberes?

An approach to parrhesia as human formation

Máximo Núñez
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de la República

Published 2024-10-08

How to Cite

Núñez, M. (2024). An approach to parrhesia as human formation. Revista Fermentario, 18(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.fhce.edu.uy/index.php/fermen/article/view/2416


This study consists of an approach to a reading of philosophy from Foucault (2008), where the beginnings of Western education can be observed. This rereading of Greek philosophy in an educational key is carried out in the light of those means that claim "human formation" as an expression of what every subject can experience. The scenarios of ancient philosophy imply, then, a possibility of contributing to the current "well-being", emphasizing educational reading. The aim of this work is to appreciate, through reading the ancients, that wisdom that breaks down knowledge and ways of "being", without falling into an inappropriate anachronism but tending towards a hermeneutical exercise of the past in an educational key. The present work outlines the lines of a study on the contributions that arise from the research carried out by Michel Foucault in his last stage of production. Thus, what is peculiar to ancient times is collected, recognizing ways of being and ways of living as an art of life that connotes a good life, coming from; good thinking


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