Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Sección Pensamiento, Sociedad y Democracia: Memoria en prisión política en América Latina durante las dictaduras de seguridad nacional. Enfoques multidisciplinarios

Women witnessing catastrophes: Charlotte Delbo and Edda Fabbri

Marisa Ruiz
Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel l

Published 2021-07-23


  • Literatura testimonial,
  • Segunda Guerra Mundial,
  • Memoria,
  • Shoah,
  • Resistencia
  • Testimonial literature,
  • WW II,
  • Memory,
  • Shoah,
  • Resistance
  • Literatura testemunhal,
  • Segunda Guerra Mundial,
  • Memória,
  • Shoah,
  • Resistance

How to Cite

Ruiz, M. (2021). Women witnessing catastrophes: Charlotte Delbo and Edda Fabbri. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 5(1), 121–145.


Memory become increasingly important to examine “historical catastrophes”; they incorporate a transnational dimension, and they feminine expressions are scarce. For these reasons, this article puts into dialogue the testimonies of Charlotte Delbo, resistant sent to Auschwitz, and Edda Fabbri, imprisoned for participating in the Movimiento de Liberación Nacional-Tupamaros (mln-t).
Both maintain a “deep memory”, with the horrors of confinement, and a common one, to communicate with people. Community with their companions contributed decisively to their survival. The body and its feminine language harbor the sensations and feelings of the confinement. They are women who turn their memories into a legacy for resistance to injustice.


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