v. 9 n. 16 (2023): Producción y circulación de ideas, discursos, representaciones y saberes en la prensa americana y europea, siglos XVIII y XIX
Tema Central

Caracas Between Centuries: Let's Go to the Theater! The Performing Arts in El Cojo Ilustrado 1892 – 1912

Brenda U. Iglesias Sánchez
Universidad de Los Andes

Publicado 2023-06-07 — Atualizado em 2023-08-15



  • revista cultural, El Cojo Ilustrado, Caracas, teatro
  • cultural magazine, El Cojo Ilustrado, Caracas, theater

Como Citar

Iglesias Sánchez, B. U. (2023). Caracas Between Centuries: Let’s Go to the Theater! The Performing Arts in El Cojo Ilustrado 1892 – 1912. Claves. Revista De Historia, 9(16), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.25032/crh.v9i16.7 (Original work published 7º de junho de 2023)


The purpose of this article is to investigate the Performing Arts in Caracas at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, using as sources the chronicle and the imaginary recorded in the periodical publication «El Cojo Ilustrado», a cultural magazine published between 1892 and 1912, where the theater, the opera and the zarzuela along with their main spaces and protagonists were reviewed and portrayed using photoengraving technology. It is proposed to highlight the influence of the magazine in the circulation of ideas and representations of cultural and artistic interests, as social practices from European references, seeking a contribution to the knowledge of the history of the performing arts in Venezuela from between centuries.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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