Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): (Neo)colonialidades y asimetrías geopolíticas en la bioantropología latinoamericana

Hacia una praxis anticolonial más allá de los enunciados del Norte Global

Diego Ballestero
Universidad de Bonn

Published 2024-12-05


  • Decolonialidad,
  • Geopolitica del Conocimiento,
  • Praxis anti/contracolonial,
  • Ecologia de saberes,
  • Sur Global
  • Decoloniality,
  • geopolitics of knowledge,
  • anti/counter-colonial praxis,
  • ecology of knowledges,
  • Global South
  • decolonialidade,
  • geopolítica do conhecimento,
  • práxis anti/contra-colonial,
  • ecologia de saberes,
  • Sul Global

How to Cite

Ballestero, D. (2024). Hacia una praxis anticolonial más allá de los enunciados del Norte Global. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.29112/ruae.v9i2.2336


In this contribution, I critically analyze the growing adoption of the “decolonial” perspective in the Anglo-Saxon academy, accounting for the risk of it being emptied of its original political and epistemological radicality. Through a bibliometric analysis, I demonstrate the linguistic and geopolitical hegemony of English and the institutions of the global North in the production and dissemination of “decolonial” knowledge. I then argue how this situation perpetuates colonial inequalities by co-opting and “translating” insurgent knowledge into Western instrumental logics. To this discursive “decolonial” perspective I counterpose an anti/countercolonial praxis rooted in the historical struggles of oppressed peoples of the Global South and urge the dismantling of colonial hierarchies and structures embedded in the corporate academy. Finally, I call for a consistent anti/countercolonial praxis that will affect the radical transformation of all spheres of life in the face of ongoing coloniality.


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