Ethics, Biological Anthropology, and Indigenous people. Thoughts from the dialogue of knowledges.
Published 2024-12-05
- investigación, consentimiento informado, derechos indígenas, epistemes otras
- research, informed consent, indigenous rights, epistemes others
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Sardi, Verónica Azpiroz Cleñan
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
In recent years, scientific knowledge produced around or indirectly affecting indigenous peoples is contested. In particular, there is tension between indigenous peoples and those who do research in the field of biological anthropology, because they study their ancestors’ bodies, living communities; they write about health and illness, and so on. Research usualy follows the ethical guidelines of the scientific community; however, these guidelines need to be revised. The purpose of this paper is to present a critical reflection on the ethical aspects of some of the issues involved in biological anthropology, putting in dialogue a researcher and a Mapuche woman who researches community health. In the dialogue, some ontological and epistemological differences emerge, but far from overruling scientific knowledge, we seek to recognise the dialogue of knowledge between the two epistemes.
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