Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): Laicidad en el Uruguay: fragmentos de una disputa

The pathos of evaluation. Notes on the pedagogy of Facundo Giuliano

Claudio Martyniuk
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2024-12-31

How to Cite

Martyniuk, C. . (2024). The pathos of evaluation. Notes on the pedagogy of Facundo Giuliano. Revista Fermentario, 18(2), 90–103. https://doi.org/10.479651825


Facundo Giuliano's book Evaluar y castigar. Apuntes sobre la (des)colonialidad pedagógica
(2024), educational models aimed at prioritizing performance are put into crisis. Under a lucid
gaze, the shortcomings of theorizations that reduce the school function to efficiency and systemic
adaptation are exposed. The reflection on evaluation goes beyond this desert, seeks what is
different from disenchantment and poverty, opens the space to think about teaching practice by cultivating attention, the value of local knowledge and the richness of diversity. There is a poetic
tone that feeds the imagination, seeks justice, there is a vital spirit that shakes the aridity of
subjectivities reduced by a bureaucratic machine of evaluation and alignment: there are lessons
to learn, there are adventures in teaching.


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