Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): Dossier «Dissident narratives and other modes of existence»

Performative Bestiary: The unusual journey for the right to be a monster:

Haroldo André Garcia de Oliveira
Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro/ Colégio Pedro II

Published 2023-06-30


  • cuerpo,
  • género,
  • trans,
  • escena artística
  • body,
  • gender,
  • trans,
  • art scene
  • corpo,
  • gênero,
  • trans,
  • cena artística

How to Cite

Garcia de Oliveira, H. A. (2023). Performative Bestiary: The unusual journey for the right to be a monster: . Revista Fermentario, 17(1), 45–63. https://doi.org/10.47965/fermen.17.1.3


The advancement of struggles for the acquisition of civil rights for LGBTQIA+ people in the last fifty years and the organization of artistic activism by trans people have provided the opening of spaces for the affirmation of diversity and, consequently, corroborated for the visibility of these subjects in different sectors of civil society. Revisiting the notion of monsters postulated by the Portuguese thinker José Gil in his book of the same name, the work in question aims to reflect on the presence of transgender people and gender dissidents in the contemporary art scene in Latin America and their relevance in removing instituted stigmas and prejudices to these subjects. By resorting to the bestiary, the article in question rubs against the classic definitions of monster and summons these identities to assume a political role in contemporary times.


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