Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024): Educación y Filosofía Hoy: ¿Para qué? ¿Para quién? ¿Con qué saberes?

Lessons for "Being Human". A reflection from pain to education

Pablo Castiglia
Universidad de Montevideo

Published 2024-10-08

How to Cite

Castiglia, P. . (2024). Lessons for "Being Human". A reflection from pain to education. Revista Fermentario, 18(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.fhce.edu.uy/index.php/fermen/article/view/2410


The following text will present the experience called Lessons for "Being Human". A reflection from pain to education, placing the starting point in the cases of the Armenian and Jewish genocides in the 20th century. Based on these tragic events, we sought to generate spaces for reflection on: human rights, the possibility of repeating atrocities such as those mentioned above, memory and the role of education.  Framing the work from the current of critical pedagogy, we emphasize the active role of the student, as teachers we intend to function as facilitators of tools for analysis and community building appealing to the values that we consider fundamental for any society.  This work was carried out in 2021, having among its particularities that it was elaborated by four teachers, to be put into practice in three high schools in the interior of Uruguay with students of the sixth year.


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