Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023): Dossier «Narrativas disidentes y otros modos de existencia»

A narrative memory as a clue to unfold narratives of Uruguay's recent history

Lucía Marotta

Published 2023-12-27


  • Acontecimiento,
  • Ciudadanía,
  • Educación,
  • Ética,
  • Historia reciente,
  • Laicidad,
  • Política
  • ...More
  • Citizenship,
  • Education,
  • Event,
  • Ethics,
  • Politics,
  • Recent history,
  • Secularism
  • ...More
  • Evento,
  • Cidadania,
  • Educação,
  • Ética,
  • História recente,
  • Laicidade,
  • Política
  • ...More

How to Cite

Marotta, L. (2023). A narrative memory as a clue to unfold narratives of Uruguay’s recent history. Revista Fermentario, 17(2), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.47965/17.2.3


The text that follows is part of the pedagogical essay for graduating from the career corresponding to Teacher of Primary Education in Uruguay. 

Narrative is used as support, around pedagogical concerns that emerged during daily work in a context of non-formal education with children from 6 to 12 years old. Despite this categorization for the place where the experiences take place, the reflections presented exceed the limits that differentiate the institutional spaces of formal or non-formal education. 

In the text, discussions and questions, feelings and opinions arising in a teaching group from the tension -or with it as an excuse- are addressed between morality as an implicit duty in the systems that operate around education and teaching ethics as what a teacher can do based on educational principles and policies combined with her feelings and thoughts about the profession. 

The event that kicks off is the decision of a teaching group to address the last civic-military dictatorship in our country as an educational proposal, facing May 20, the date on which the march of silence called by Mothers and Relatives of Uruguayans is commemorated arrested and missing. 

From this narrative we seek to reaffirm the defense of the school or the educational spheres as mediating institutions of social processes. Where meaning, identity and citizenship are built. It seeks to reflect that throughout the experiences lived at different times, we teachers question where the need to address the recent past comes from. If it is an exclusive need of ours or if it goes beyond it. The found reflections were clarifying that far from being a practice of submission to a speech. His purposes were emancipatory. 



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