Published 2023-12-27
- Poética,
- Formación Docente,
- Deterioración
- Poética,
- Formação Docente,
- Deterioração
- Poetic,
- Teaching Training,
- Deterioration
How to Cite
This article was built from the experience with the Extension Project Poetics of Deterioration: Zone of Teaching Experimentation, which also implies the creation of a poetics in education. The action, as a course, was offered at the Faculty of Education of UFRGS, in the wake of Emergency Remote Education, for five weeks, between March and April 2022. This article is relevant, however, not as a report, as a text that presents a representation of what happened, but as an action of translation of the act, that is to say, the scripture presents itself as a new act that transcribes the act first. It aims to highlight not what was this particular action, but what, performed, has power as praxis in education. The notion of teacher training is taken to question its possible stratifications, in order to understand how we can experience a formation that does not start from a previous ideal of teaching or a fixed set of knowledge or methodologies. It was of interest to forge a space of experimentation and search for new practices engendered by other relationships, relationships in which free connection becomes a common practice and thought is assumed to be uncertain, a draft that does not stop making. A teaching experimentation zone, therefore, embraces disperse flows, crooked lines, unlikely connections. In such a way, the task of search – as a practice of creation – was done in the intersections between education, philosophy, literature, literary theory and cinema and since the haunts of the contemporary, so that a poetic of deterioration in education agencies poetics that assume we live in a deteriorated space to make visible, in the educational field, our hidden leaps of destruction.
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