Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023): Dossier «Narrativas disidentes y otros modos de existencia»

Education towards the emancipatory empowerment of subjects or the stone of Sisyphus: Educação para o empoeiramento emancipatório dos súditos ou a pedra de Sísifo

Lidia Cortez

Published 2023-12-27


  • Épiméleia,
  • Empodermiento emancipador,
  • Filosofía de la educación
  • Épiméleia,
  • Empowerment emancipator,
  • Philosophy of education
  • Épiméleia,
  • Empoeiramento emancipado,
  • Filosofia da educação

How to Cite

Cortez, L. (2023). Education towards the emancipatory empowerment of subjects or the stone of Sisyphus: Educação para o empoeiramento emancipatório dos súditos ou a pedra de Sísifo. Revista Fermentario, 17(2), 103–115. https://doi.org/10.47965/17.2.7


Education is fundamental for the construction of a democratic and just society. The state of
political disbelief and a marked existential crisis in a large part of society are indicators that
alert us to the need to rethink the role that education assumes now. The purpose of this work
was to make visible the epiphenomenon that is in the process of acquiring features of
dehumanization. The bibliographical, reflexive and experiential heuristics allowed us to infer
an answer to the question posed: what is the primary function of education? The classical heritage offered a clear and forceful answer: update the épiméleia. Education represents the
great occasion for this personal practice and in the community of learners in its fullest sense:
teaching and learning to think about oneself and the other, in that order of priorities. The
greatest expectation of this study aims to delve into this topic and form communities of
inquiry in the classroom to problematize reality as a possible form of emancipatory
empowerment of the subjects. 


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