Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): The Plebeian public sphere in Latin America: subaltern practices, uses and meaning

“El triunfo del canto es un triunfo de paz”: politics in Cosquín song festival. 1975

Lucía Patiño Mayer
Universidad Nacional de Lanús y en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Published 2019-12-11

How to Cite

Patiño Mayer, L. (2019). “El triunfo del canto es un triunfo de paz”: politics in Cosquín song festival. 1975. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 3(2), 112–132.


The National Cosquín Folklore Festival is one of the most representative folklore music festivals in Argentina. At the same time it is the scene were the principal artists perform and a place of symbolic construction of the musical gender. During all of its history, as any artistic or cultural event, this Festival was crossed by political and social conjunctions. In this article, we will describe the 15th edition of the festival and the recurrent interpretation of the Cosquín Himn as a manifestation of the pretended autonomy facing the multiple political interventions in the festival. We have identified 1975 as a year of substantial changes in its organization, a growing participation of political institutions on the organizational decisions. In this article, we show the relationship between music and politics Argentinian folklore and the tensions that therefore appear.


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