Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Dossier: “Repensar los feminismos y antifeminismos en América Latina: viejas y nuevas preguntas, problemas abiertos”

Presentación del dossier

Novia revolucionaria XI.

Published 2024-07-29

How to Cite

Arese, L., Carriquiry, A., & Varela Manograsso, A. (2024). Presentación del dossier. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 8(1), i - vii.


The advances and achievements of feminist movements in recent years in Latin America have brought about significant changes. On the one hand, feminist demands have managed to establish themselves in the public arena through the introduction of new narratives about affective relationships and the sex/gender device, the promotion of laws that guarantee rights to women and gender dissidents, the debate on the wage gap, care work and sexual violence, and through the creation of new networks of activism. On the other hand, we are witnessing a growing presence of anti-feminist voices and anti-gender discourses in the public sphere that are questioning these demands and endangering consensus and
rights that have been won.
These voices have become a battle cry for radicalized right-wing groups. Old and new resources are mobilized by these sectors to propel a determined offensive against the advances of feminism.

In this context, investigating and understanding contemporary anti-feminisms and anti-gender discourses, with their strategies, traditions, alliances, variants and different modulations, is an urgent task.


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