Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Artistas, trabajo y género en América Latina

Women’s networks in mexican theater. Inquiry into theatrical creation, research and production. The cases of Tejiendo Redes. Mujeres escénicas, Medeas. Red de jóvenes investigadoras de la escena y colectivo de morras tramoyistas_mx

Faviola Llamas
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2023-12-28


  • redes,
  • colectiva,
  • teatro
  • networking,
  • collective,
  • theater
  • rede,
  • coletivo,
  • teatro

How to Cite

Llamas, F. (2023). Women’s networks in mexican theater. Inquiry into theatrical creation, research and production. The cases of Tejiendo Redes. Mujeres escénicas, Medeas. Red de jóvenes investigadoras de la escena y colectivo de morras tramoyistas_mx. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 7(2), 97–116.


The article explores the work of three different collectives in Mexico, all of which are made up of women. These networks develop their work in different branches of theater creation: direction, dramaturgy, theatrical research and stage design. They also work in different latitudes of the country: in the north,
south and center, however, they have a national collaboration character and some of them are international. The background of these groups and the context that allowed them to be formed is described. In addition to understanding their form of network organization, their lines of work, their objectives
and how they generate economic resources. It also explores what unites these networks and what differentiates them. One of the objectives of this
article is to recognize and invite to theorize about the work of these collectives that create safe spaces for women in the theater and to answer the question of whether the so called fourth feminist wave has generated a change in theatrical structures and how it has transformed the form of production in the  urrent scene in Mexico, especially in the discourses that concern these collectives.


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