Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Sección de Estudios Agrarios. Los vínculos entre ciencia, tecnología y agro en Latinoamérica

Water and science: controversies around the case of agricultural irrigation in Uruguay

María Noel González Márquez
Servicio Central de Extensión y Actividades en el Medio, Universidad de la República
Manuel Vázquez Cirillo
Centro Universitario Regional del Este, Universidad de la República
Carlos Santos
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Centro Universitario Regional del Este, Universidad de la República

Published 2022-12-29


  • agua,
  • riego,
  • ciencias
  • water,
  • irrigation,
  • sciences
  • água,
  • irrigação,
  • ciências

How to Cite

González Márquez, M. N. ., Vázquez Cirillo, M. ., & Santos, C. (2022). Water and science: controversies around the case of agricultural irrigation in Uruguay. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 6(2), 129–147.


At the intersection between science, technique and art, the practice of agricultural irrigation articulates the spheres of scientific knowledge, power, "natural" forces and social organization.
In Uruguay, although it has not been an area of ​​great development in general terms, irrigation has gained ground in successive social, political and productive transformations. Going from being a limited practice in the 19th and 20th centuries to being a national strategy in the 21st century —although still marginal— in the global scenario of climate change and water grabbing.
Irrigation in Uruguay has been understood as an advanced agricultural practice that distinguishes the backward from the innovative and therefore has been developed linked to expert knowledge and its institutions.
As part of a broader investigation on the Political Ecology of Water, an interdisciplinary perspective on the development of agricultural irrigation in Uruguay is proposed, with emphasis on its scientific-technical dimension. A historical approach is presented -based on documentary sources and the press- of the development of research on irrigation in Uruguay, its articulation with foreign institutions, its link with productive and political changes.
Particularly, emphasis is placed on the debate around the modification of the Irrigation Law approved in 2017, where controversy arose between various scientific fields related to water; where the public discussion on irrigation staged challenges from natural and social sciences on knowledge built from the sciences traditionally involved in the development of irrigation.


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