Published 2023-06-30
- Marosa di Giorgio,
- cuentos maravillosos,
- narrativa erótica,
- literatura de mujeres
- Marosa di Giorgio,
- wonderful tales,
- erotic narrative,
- women`s literature
- Marosa di Giorgio,
- contos maravilhosos,
- narrativa erótica,
- literatura feminina
How to Cite
From a psychoanalytic perspective and taking the contributions of feminist studies and the categories of the marvelous and neo-baroque, two erotic stories by Marosa di Giorgio de Poemas (1953) and Camino de las pedrerías (1997) are analyzed, where scenes are presented dissident marriages, emancipated or transgressors of family, religious or cultural mandates. In them, the unexpected union between the sexes occurs, the crossing of species, genres and orders of reality. The moment of the loss of the virginity of the protagonist that oscillates between the sacred and the fall is obsessively repeated. The desecrations perpetrated by phallic characters, of a human, animal, vegetable or uncertain nature, sometimes angelic or demonic, are exhibited. The ominous and the strange are always present in these sexual initiation rites. Unusual and unexpected births also occur, as forms of the abject, as a result of these encounters, rapes or monstrous assaults.
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