Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023): Dossier «Narrativas disidentes y otros modos de existencia»

Ante-humanist manifesto: technology and humankind

Diego Winck Esteves
Universdade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Published 2023-12-27


  • Manifiesto,
  • Tecnología,
  • Humanidad
  • Manifesto,
  • Tecnologia,
  • Humanidade
  • Manifesto,
  • Technology,
  • Humankind

How to Cite

Winck Esteves, D. (2023). Ante-humanist manifesto: technology and humankind. Revista Fermentario, 17(2), 11–24. https://doi.org/10.47965/17.2.2


From the present time, a pandemic time, this essay calls into question the notion of humankind and its correlation with technology. From this temporal relationship, this essay questions the clues that seem to show us certain effects of what has been defined as technologies of distraction and extraction, arguing in favor of technologies of experimentation and composition. We thus propose a portrayal of humans in a movement of resumption, through an existential process of recycling and recomposition: that is, to postulate actions in the world that do not disparage others as a supposed inevitable consequence of the affirmation of oneself. This essay is an Ante-humanist Manifesto when considering that it proposes to go beyond and below the human, as a techno-animal composition.


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