Published 2020-08-06
- enemigo y unidad,
- globalización de la modernidad capitalista neoliberal,
- Cálculo de vidas,
- transmodernidad
- enemy and unity,
- globalization of neoliberal capitalist modernity,
- calculation of lives,
- trans-modernity
How to Cite
This is a reflection made in April 2020, one month after the sanitary emergency was decreed in Uruguay, due to the pandemic of new covid-19 coronavirus. Its elaboration in this context can explain the virtues and the defects it may have, although in no way justify the latter.
Taking as initial reference the thesis of Marx and Engels of 1848 “A ghost runs through Europe, the ghost of communism”, its hermeneutic and explanative potentialities are explored trying to understand the logic of construction of the enemy, in particular “communism”, and its post - Cold War substitute “terrorism”, in the logic of globalization of capitalist modernity.
On these “ideological-political” antecedents the “biological – viral” ones, as the new covid-19 coronavirus, are the one that today globally threat us.
It critically reflects on the implications of the globalization of neoliberal capitalist modernity in the genesis and spread of that global enemy, its responsibilities in the thousands of preventable deaths, which it seeks to justify through the “calculation of lives” morality.
Beyond union with the common enemy that today threat humanity, an alternative sense of unity is postulated, which involves transforming the relationships that have eventually made this enemy and it’s referred predecessors possible.
To do this, it is about transcending modernity towards trans-modernity, in the constitution of the trans-modern subject.
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