Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Dossier: “Repensar los feminismos y antifeminismos en América Latina: viejas y nuevas preguntas, problemas abiertos”
Entre el descontento y la promesa: horizontes abiertos

An abject abode? reflections on confinement to work sexuality of trans* women since theory of social reproduction

Novia revolucionaria XI.

Published 2024-06-28

How to Cite

Pandolfi Milanta, J. (2024). An abject abode? reflections on confinement to work sexuality of trans* women since theory of social reproduction. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 8(1), 285–304.


A common theme in research focusing on the life trajectories of transgender women is the identification of sex work as their primary means of subsistence, as well as the social role imposed on this community. This phenomenon, known as “confinement to prostitution, raises a less explored question: why are
transgender women confined to sex work rather than other forms of precarious employment? Does this population hold a particular position within the capitalist division of labor? What are the implications of these findings for understanding the interplay between class exploitation, gender dynamics, and sexuality? This article delves into the applicability of Social Reproduction Theories (SRT) in understanding this phenomenon through two pivotal questions: Can we conceptualize sex work as a form of social reproduction? What role does sexuality regulation play in this context? The study builds upon pathways previously explored by existing literature to address these inquiries, and identifies areas of ambiguity and gaps in potential interpretations of the confinement of transgender women to prostitution within the field of SRT.
Finally, some political implications of this conceptualization are considered.


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