Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Dossier: “Repensar los feminismos y antifeminismos en América Latina: viejas y nuevas preguntas, problemas abiertos”
Entre el descontento y la promesa: horizontes abiertos

Notes for an aesthetics of cruelty: gender and violence in the literature of the Uruguayan post-dictatorship

Novia revolucionaria XI.

Published 2024-06-28

How to Cite

Pérez Manukian, V. (2024). Notes for an aesthetics of cruelty: gender and violence in the literature of the Uruguayan post-dictatorship. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 8(1), 271–284.


During the nineties, in Uruguay, it was recurrent to use the notion of «aesthetics of cruelty» (Larre Borges, 1998c), to identify a corpus of novels that shook the national literary milieu with violent scenes. In this paper, I will try to propose some conceptual keys on the aesthetics of cruelty based on Antonin Artaud’s Theater and its Double (1938) and José Ovejeros’s proposal on the Ethics of Cruelty (2012).
In the corpus of texts I will work with, namely: Torquator (1993) by Henry Trujillo, Pogo (1997) by Daniel Mella and La azotea (2001) by Fernanda Trías, I will
inquire about one of the keys to a mismatch or mismatch between the reader’s expectations and the aesthetic proposal. The look from the construction of
gender representations and traditional roles and their modes of representation can be read as a relevant link in national literature, which articulates phenomena of the literary tradition such as «literatura de los raros», as Ángel Rama said, or «strange realisms», as proposed by Hebert Benítez; and aesthetic responses to a world where the threat comes from within.


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