Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Artistas, trabajo y género en América Latina

The case of the Uruguayan-style Murga Esa te la Debo. Problematizations around gender, aesthetics and artistic working conditions of murguistas

Victoria Cestau Yannicelli
Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Trabajo y Arte; Universidad Nacional de Artes; Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad de la República

Published 2023-12-28


  • murga uruguaya,
  • género,
  • identidades
  • uruguayan murga,
  • gender,
  • identities
  • murga uruguaia,
  • gênero,
  • identidades

How to Cite

Cestau Yannicelli, V. (2023). The case of the Uruguayan-style Murga Esa te la Debo. Problematizations around gender, aesthetics and artistic working conditions of murguistas. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 7(2), 31–51.


The case of the Uruguayan-style Murga Esa te la Debo. Problematizations around gender, aesthetics and artistic working conditions of murguistas. This  work aims to carry out a case study of a 21st century Uruguayan-style murga called Esa te la Debo. We consider that this murga is a paradigmatic example
because it presents topics of interest from my doctoral thesis within its repertoire, as well as my performance as a stage performer. Case studies can be of two types: intrinsic and instrumental, we will address both forms. We consider it necessary to draw feminist epistemologies, to avoid androcentrism and account for the specificities of the artistic field from a gender perspective. The Uruguayan murga presents itself in a singular way depending on the context, it returns and is renewed, it is updated and transformed. What lasts over time? What are the changes? We will integrate the gender perspective as a transversal axis to all the research, we will analyze the aesthetic challenges brought by the new spaces where the murga is expanded and taught. We will
explain why it is the carnival category that has had the most impact in the Buenos Aires theater field. We will finish by questioning the identities of  murguistas as workers of popular culture, taking part of the repertoire sung in their show entitled: «Surviving once again» as well as fragments of iinterviews.


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