Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Sección de Estudios de Género. Tecnología y reproducción en América Latina

Fertility: care, myths and relevance in young people in the province of Buenos Aires

Elizabeth Ormart
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Constanza Curado
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
Evelyn Pasquali
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Sofía Dlabach
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Agustina Geremías
Becaria de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBACyT)

Published 2022-01-20


  • Representaciones,
  • Cuidado y preservación de la fertilidad,
  • Jóvenes,
  • Proyecto familiar
  • Representations,
  • Care and Preservation of Fertility,
  • Youth,
  • Family Project
  • Representações,
  • Cuidado e Preservação da Fertilidade,
  • Juventude,
  • Projeto Família
  • Representações,
  • Cuidado e Preservação da Fertilidade,
  • Juventude,
  • Projeto Família

How to Cite

Ormart, E., Curado, C., Pasquali, E. ., Dlabach, S., & Geremías, A. (2022). Fertility: care, myths and relevance in young people in the province of Buenos Aires. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 5(2), 85–111.


The objective of this paper is to explore the representations of care and preservation of reproductive capacity that young university students have based on their gender. Various investigations have shown that the issue of healthcare in general and reproductive health in particular has been socially delegated to women. Some questions that guided the inquiry are focused on establishing: What knowledge do young people have about the care and preservation of fertility? Are there gender differences in representations of your reproductive future? What do young women and men consider to be important in preserving their reproductive capacity? Do you know and intend to be gamete donors in the future? With an exploratory design, we investigated the knowledge and representations of young people from Buenos Aires on a sample (N: 635). Closed questions were used to explore age, gender, socioeconomic status, presence of children, number of family members, degree of knowledge about fertility care, reasons for fertility preservation, family planning, among others. Open questions were used to support the reason for certain answers and to investigate future family projects.


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