ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS ISSN 1688-437X, Vol II, nº 2, Jul./Dic. 2018
Apoyo a estudiantes y profesores de Brasil
Quisiéramos dedicar unas palabras a la situación de ascenso antidemocrático en Brasil,
cuya figura principal es el recientemente electo presidente de la República Federativa, Jair
Bolsonaro, al que se suman aliadxs del Partido Social Liberal (PSL), al cual pertenece el futuro
En este contexto se han registrado amenazas a profesores y estudiantes a través de
diferentes medios de comunicación (cartas, internet, panfletos). Uno de los textos, dirigido a
miembros de la Universidad de Pernambuco, incluye una lista titulada «Doutrinadores e alunos
que serão banidos do CFCH-UFPE em 2019»,
donde figuran nombres de profesores y
estudiantes a quienes se intimida en razón de su orientación sexogenérica o de su pensamiento
político. Por otro lado, en Youtube se pueden encontrar videos de Bolsonaro incitando a los
alumnos a grabar y denunciar a sus profesores, a lo cual se suma la apertura por parte de una
diputada del PSL de un canal en internet para denunciar a lxs docentes.
En relación con este escenario, desde el equipo editorial de Encuentros Latinoamericanos,
Sección Estudios de Género, repudiamos los actos de violencia, persecución y discriminación y
reafirmamos la libertad académica como derecho fundamental. Defendemos la realización de
actividades de investigación, enseñanza y extensión con un enfoque crítico acerca de todos los
temas de interés universitario en condiciones de protección de nuestros derechos.
A continuación, reproducimos el comunicado realizado por un profesor e investigador en
Estudios de Género LGTB+ de la Universidad de Pernambuco, quien aparece mencionado en la
«Adoctrinadores y alumnos que serán expulsados de CFCH-UFPE (Centro de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas
de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco) en 2019» en
América Latina hoy: : Apoyo a estudiantes y Profesores de Brasil (pags. 165-167)
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
As some of you may know, Mr. Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right, homophobic,
racist and misogynist is the new president-elect of Brazil. His dirty
campaign was based on indiscriminate use of fake news; LGBT+, women
and Human Rights activists were continuously attacked - and some have
been subjected to physical violence. Since his victory on Oct. 28, there
has been a widespread use of intimidation, harassment and physical and
symbolic violence toward teachers and professors throughout the
country. They have been accused of communist indoctrination and
spreading the so-called «gender ideology».
Three days ago, November 6, I myself was a victim of those attacks. A
letter was left at the Centre of Philosophy and Human Science of the
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). The letter accuses me of
being «the leader of an army of faggots, trannies, feminazis, prostitutes
and all the kinds of degenerates who are against the family». It also
states that in 2019 we (as mentioned on the letter: leftists, socialists,
communists, gender ideologists, indoctrinators) will all be banned from
the University of Pernambuco. Some of my colleagues from the
Department of Sociology and from the Department of History were also
mentioned in the letter, but the targets were me and my post-graduate
students working on LGBT+ issues. We all have our names clearly stated
in that letter. The threat and intimidation were crystal-clear.
I want to share with you my indignation and repudiation regarding the
attack and my concerns for my physical integrity. The threat is real. I no
longer feel safe in Brazil. The UFPE dean has legally accessed Federal
Public Prosecutors and the Federal Police. Unfortunately, for different
reasons I will not discuss now, they cannot guarantee my safety.
Moreover, the Brazilian Judiciary has been extremely politicized over the
past two years by far-righter politicians and other conservative groups,
which means I do not feel safe in accessing the Justice system because I
am afraid of the backlash.
Please share this message in your academic and personal networks to
publicize what is going on in Brazil. The Brazilian mainstream media is
either minimizing the facts or simply ignoring the struggles the LGBT+
ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS ISSN 1688-437X, Vol II, nº 2, Jul./Dic. 2018
community is enduring at the moment. We have to draw the world’s
attention to the increasing authoritarianism, sexism and homophobia in
Brazil. LGBlives matter.
Best Regards,
Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos
Professor Adjunto de Sociologia (UFPE)
Docente Permanente Programas de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS) e
Direitos Humanos (PPGDH)
Pesquisador Afiliado Universidade de Glasgow
Lecturer in Sociology (Federal University of Pernambuco-Brazil)
Permanent Researcher Graduate Programmes in Sociology and Human Rights
Affiliate Researcher University of Glasgow
Marisa Ruiz y Karen Wild
Sección Estudios de Género,
Encuentros Latinoamericanos